Thursday, February 26, 2009

Who is on your Board of Directors?

I have a friend who has an imaginary board of directors and the Chairman is Oprah Winfrey. I wonder who would be on your board of directors?
Mine would be a very small board, not because I dont like to take advice, it's just that I don't meet or hear of many people that inspire me. Perhaps i'm not getting out and about enough.
Lucy Kellaway would definately be the Chairman. In control, humorous, intelligent with an ability sift through all the management twaddle.
I know it's fashionable to like Barack Obama and he's highly sought after right now but he certainly talks a lot of sense and he always seems to be in the right place at the right time. This morning I heard him say to the American people, now's the time for us to work on our foundations, not on our home decor, drawing the analogy with the economy- how cool is that. It is also the Chinese New Year of the Ox, the sign of prosperity through fortitude and hard work. Apparently Obama was born in the year of the Ox- no wonder he is inspiring me with confidence.
Meryl Streep would have to be on there- so graceful, serene, a calming influence for my boardroom, infinite wisdom and experience. A multi-tasker.
Robert Plant would be there to make sure everyone carries through on their decisions and sticks to their moral values.
Honorary members would be a famous architect I know for his ability to give silent approval and quiet constructive criticism. Mary Poppins for her way with children, networking abilities, for good advice and encouragement.

1 comment:

  1. A board of directers is an interesting concept. I wonder does Obama have one in his head as well. I have one in my head only a choosen few know who is on my board. My board has directed me very well and gives me the confidence to go on to the next step in my life.Its good to have a fantasy life in more ways than one!Mary Pops says thankyou.
