Thursday, February 5, 2009

Feast or Famine

I love avocados, I have four trees, they all come at once in February.

I have guacomole with fresh hot green chillies and coriander also from the garden.

I have Avocado Ritz for lunch, sometimes with cooked chicken, tuna or prawns mixed with a dollop of freshly homemade mayonnaise.

I have greek salad with avocado in it and just plain sliced with salt and pepper and lemon juice.
My daughter makes a vinaigrette, spoons it over half an avocado in the skin and scoops it out with a spoon
One member of my family recalls having it with sugar as a kid.

How do you preserve avocado?
My Mum, an expert in all things, says you can't. But you can mash it and freeze it she said. I said "Doesnt it go brown?" Never got to the bottom of it as the conversation swiftly changed to a heated discussion (much to the interest of the other guests in the restaurant) about the world being run by reptiles and bloodlines. The rest of us are just mind- controlled through the media like the News of the World which of course is controlled by the very same lizards. She has a point. More about this later......

1 comment:

  1. My favorite cookbook is a small paperback called 'Flavours of Mexico' by Marlena Spieler.
    It is the definitive guide to authentic Mexican cuisine.The way it is written is fresh off the grill,fragrant, absolutely "bubbling with enthusiam" and served with fresh coriander, a wedge of lime,a shot of tequila and chopped fresh green chilli. Your mouth drools as you read the descriptive recipes.You are literally transported to rural Mexico where the ageless earthy scent of warm tortillas permeates the air. Would love to go back there one day but a bit scared of Montezumas revenge and of course all the nasty killings that seem to go on.
