Monday, February 23, 2009

Virgo and Taurus

Virgos find Taurus the bull patient and loving. Taureans find Virgins peaceful and composed. The bull likes to luxuriate in the bath for hours at a time, lights off and candles flickering- the Virgo too likes to lazily watch the last shades of twighlight on the living-room wall. Taurus loves to plan and cook sumptuous feasts whilst the Virgo likes to pick the herbs and chop the garlic (crush it more like). Virgos and Taurus both love attention to detail. They understand each other. I wonder why I haven't bumped into many Taureans in my lifetime?
From a tiny book on starsigns by Stephanie Russell

1 comment:

  1. Taureans are nice people, I should know both my parents were taureans. I find taurean men complicated, but fun to be with.Unlike you Mona I have bumped into a few taureans, great while it lasted.I wonder why gemini's and taureans not a good mix? What does Step Russell say?
