Sunday, April 10, 2011

Panicketh Not

Many problems happen in this world as a result of panic. The wall street crash happened because people panicked and rushed to cash in their bonds- of course their money didn't exist it was a figment of the bank's imagination. Panic was partly responsible for the recent collapse of the housing market, banks and whole countries such as Ireland and soon Portugal and maybe Europe. Panic was the causative agent of a huge traffic gridlock in Blantyre on Friday night. There is a fuel crisis. Two filling stations received a tanker at the same time, just at peak rush hour. The cars start to queue for petrol on the left hand side of the road, leaving a newly created middle lane for cars going towards town. A mini bus runs out of fuel and blocks the road. People think, "I will just overtake to get past this blockage" and soon find that others have done the same and oncoming traffic now has no access to their own side of the road coming the other way. A mini bus driver decides he's had enough and he's never going to meet his deadline, so turns around and gets stuck going back from where he came. GRIDLOCK! People become irrational because they are on the way to hospital with their sick relative's supper or need to get to the show and refuse to let you in front of them even though it is obvious that this will prevent further congestion. Panic, panic. Not many drivers are good at scenario planning. Don't panic, ask yourself,what will happen as a result of my action?

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