Friday, April 3, 2009

Dragon Fruit

The sexy fruit I was telling you about in an earlier post cannot be named the St Valentine's pear because it is called a Dragon Fruit. I'm always too late- someone always pips me to the post.

Question is, apart from slicing it in half and wickedly scooping out the flesh with an extra small tea spoon nicked from SAA, what can be done with it? Make a sorbet! Boil some caster sugar and water to make a syrup. Add the flesh of a few dragon fruit. Put it in the freezer, give it a stir half hourly until it is at the slushy stage. Delicately fold in a stiffly beaten egg white (if that is politically correct) and pop back in the freezer. Stir once more after an hour. Leave to set. Voila!You now have a sorbet. Pile scoops of sorbet back into the reserved dragon fruit shells. Oops, go and retrieve them from the bin, wipe off the egg shells and potato peelings- no one will ever know.......

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