Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mona on the Postal Service

I Love Postman Pat. What a lovely world he lives in with his little red van and black and white cat delivering all the postbags early in the morning just as day is dawning. I admire his work ethic, his honesty and his sense of community service.
The day will dawn that I receive any post through the Royal Mail. Why cant Post offices get their act together? They charge enough for stamps.
It's easy.... you write a letter, put it in an envelope, put on a stamp to the correct postage (it doesnt have to be a pantomime), post it into a postbox (those red things that look like waste paper bins these days). Pat 1 will then collect it in the morning. In the afternoon it gets sorted by Mrs Goggins. The next day it goes to the airport by train (now there's another issue) to catch the next available flight to Malawi. Two days later it arrives in Blantyre post office (which by the way is looking a bit run down these days). In the afternoon it is sorted and no one opens the letter or parcel to rifle through its contents before putting it in the correct box number.
I'm still waiting for a Christmas card posted on 1st December, a book from Amazon dispatched on 12th December and a certificate dispatched on the 15th. Come on Mrs Goggins. Post offices everywhere- it shouldn't take 6 weeks for a letter to arrive. Time to jack yourselves up.
Pat only thinks he's a very happy man.
Purum pum pum pum pum pum...........


  1. I'm still waiting for the book and the certificate to arrive. The Christmas card arrived (the one that was posted on 1st December) a couple of days ago. It still had the Christmas Millions scratch card inside but we won nothing.The certificate is a star named after my mother for her birthday which was on 28th December. Wouldnt have thought anyone else would have much use for it.

  2. Just to let you know that 6 weeks later I received the certificate- my Mum now has a star named after her in the constellation of Capricorn- a certificate to prove it and a copy of her place in the cosmos. She said " You like me! You really really like me!".
    The book has now arrived 7 weeks later. I wonder what happens to all this post- where does it hide? I would really like to know. Need to do a bit of reseach...
